A stash of wolves and druids awaiting assembly. |
Mrs. Troll: In years past, we've assembled, painted, and played various
Warhammer armies and sub-series, such as Mordheim. Over the years and for a variety of reasons too long to delve into, we've diverted our appreciation for miniature gaming to
Privateer Press, which includes both
Warmachine and
Hordes armies. Compared to Mr. Troll, who will be featuring his Trollblood miniatures, I am pretty much a newbie to the Warmachine world and a bit rusty at painting, but hoping that will improve as this blog develops. I personally like a lot of the Privateer miniatures simply because they are innovative. A lot of the Warmachine warjack models like this
Crusader have an almost anime-esque design. A lot of the cool characters are also female and appear carefully and aesthetically designed, such as this gorgeous warcaster unit,
Captain Victoria Haley, or
Thyra the Flame of Sorrow (can you say battle nun?).
I ended up picking the Circle of Orboros (Druid) faction of Hordes, namely because the army required only a few units and because I just think wolves and hooded dudes look cool.The Protectorate of Menoth and Legion of Everblight were close seconds. I chose Mohsar the Desert Walker to be my main warcaster (apparently he flings pillars of salt). Interestingly enough, we searched over 4 gaming stores (they didn't have most Druid models in stock) in our area before we finally ended up at the
Gaming Saloon, which belongs to the inventor of
Battlefoam LLC (yes, you should get some if you enjoy miniatures). The store was pristine and well-stocked, and the owner helpful and friendly.
Finally ended up getting: 1) Mohsar 2) Blackclad Wayfarer 3) Druids of Orboros box 4) Battlegroup box and 5) War Wolf.